Friday, October 23, 2009

Maveen, llc Logo

Finishing up my first official freelance project with Overseas Council International. They are starting a sister company, Maveen llc. Maveen is old Hebrew for one who understands. The company will provide finder services for missions organizations and church departments. So, say that a missions organization needs the services of a Graphic Artist (ahem), a consultant or a HR person, Maveen would have a list of possible people in that area of expertise that they could contact for their assistance. More than this, I can not explain how everything works. They are an excellent group of people: Kathy Hanger and Katie Bausman have been my direct contacts and they are great to work with.

My part in the creation of Maveen, llc was to design a logo for the company and to create the business papers (business cards, letterheads and envelopes). They wanted a limited color pallete of white, black and blue. The only other stipulation was that they wanted the logo to have hidden, religious meaning to the logo.

The final logo:

The logo is three arrows pointing towards each other, creating a negative cross space when combined with the business name. The arrows are to show that everything that Christians do should point back at the cross.

Business Papers:

1 comment:

  1. Ty, that is a well done design. I really like it and how you explained it. Keep up the good work!
